Apartman 2 A8+1

+385 21 735339

Apartment is 120m2, provides accomodation for 8 persons. It has large kitchen and balcony sea view. Beach is just across the street, 50 m away. House has nice garden, barbecue place and parking. It is just 20 km from city Split, and 5 km to Omiš.

icon Praha » Omis 1064km
11h 03min


City: Omis
Region: Split


Gordana Želalić Phone: +385 21 735339 Mob.: +385 911208070
In the catalog from 2016.

Owner speaks:

Prices and availability

Accommodation unit:
Available Booked


303 GBP Price for stay
The price is for 2 Adults, a 14 days
The price is for 4+2 persons, and 11 days
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Guest reviews

Fantastic! 4.95/5