"Villa Antonio" only 100m from the crystal clear sea, 3 km from the town of Trogir and 6 km from the airport "Split". Far from the noise of the city. Apartments offers the perfect stress-free holiday. There is a beautiful sandy beach, an ideal place for rest and relaxation. Newly built apartments are furnished to meet the needs of guests. Six apartments with two bedrooms. Private parking. The friendly staff is...
Villa has six apartments and Apartment 1 has 2 sleeping rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 air-conditions, kitchen, dayroom and balcony.
Villa has six apartments and Apartment 2 has 2 sleeping rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 air-conditions, kitchen, dayroom and balcony.
Villa has six apartments and Apartment 3 has 2 sleeping rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 air-conditions, kitchen, dayroom and balcony.
Villa has six apartments and Apartment 4 has 2 sleeping rooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 air-conditions, kitchen, dayroom and balcony.
"Villa Antonio" only 100m from the crystal clear sea, 3 km from the town of Trogir and 6 km from the airport "Split". Far from the noise of the city. Apartments offers the perfect stress-free holiday. There is a beautiful sandy beach, an ideal place for rest and relaxation. Newly built apartments are furnished to meet the needs of guests. Six apartments with two bedrooms. Private parking. The friendly staff is available to guests throughout the day Cley. The spacious and modern apartments with air conditioning, TV, SAT. Villa Antonio has a beautiful garden that offers free fruit and vegetables throughout the season. The garden features a barbecue area. EASTER OFFER: 10 € person / day. (Basket with traditional cakes, Easter eggs, souvenir bottle aperitif)
Ve vile Antonio sme byli velmi spokojeni,krásný výhled na moře,skvělé ubytování, pan domácí velmi milí a ochotný. Doporučujeme
szeretnénk kipróbálni az apartmanokat,várjuk mielobbi válaszukat!
Kérjük, töltse ki az űrlapot, tulajdonos fog válaszolni az e-mail
V apartmánu Antonio jsme trávili dovolenou v červrnci 2015.Ubytování v celku pěkné jak je uváděno na fotografiích,ale na fotkách vypadá větší než ve skutečnosti je.Tady všechno vpořádku,ale pozor!!!!Večerka je ve 22 hodin a bez odmlouvání!!!TO není legrace jak jsme si mysleli první den pobytu.Majitel objektu vyžaduje absolutní klid ani polohlasný hovor na terase nelze!!!Jedině se zavřít na kuču a špitat si jinak na vás bude mlátit ocelovou tyčí na zábradlí aby jste se stišili!!Do CHorvatska jezdíme asi 15 let nyní už s dospělými dětmi,ala něco takového jsme ještě nezažili.Byli jsme sice větší skupina převážně mladých lidí,ale žádný extrémní hluk jsme nedělali jen jsme si chtěli povídat nebo hrát hry.Pro valnou většinu normálních Čechů opravdu nedoporučuji!!Zdravím Helena Krejčí