Apartman A6+2

The apartment is located 5 minutes walk from the beach and the center 10 minutes. The apartment has three bedrooms, one large bathroom and two toilets. The apartment is located on the first floor and is really comfortable. Parking in front of house

icon Praha » Gradac 1144km
11h 40min


amenities icons Terrace
amenities icons Air conditioning
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Fridge
amenities icons Microwave
amenities icons Cooker
amenities icons Kettle
amenities icons Grill
amenities icons dishwasher
City: Gradac
Region: Split


Jadranka Vežić Phone: Mob.: +385 91 888 1052
In the catalog from 2011.

Owner speaks:


Extra osoba nad 8:
8 GBP/day
7 GBP/day


The deposit is 0% of the price
Payment options:

Prices and availability

Accommodation unit:
Available Booked


0 GBP Price for stay
The price is for 2 Adults, a 14 days
The price is for 4+2 persons, and 11 days
Vlastník nezadal cenu za vybraný termín

Vybraný termín je příliš krátký! Minimální pošet nocí je 0!

Je možné že uvedený poèet osob nebude možné ubytovat (překrošena kapacita)!

Příplatky za osoby navíc již v ceně.


Guest reviews

Fantastic! 4.88/5


Vesna Pasic

Submitted : 16.02.2015

Postovani lijep pozdrav iz Banja Luke apartman nam se svida ali zanima nas da li u tom velikom apartmanu mogu da borave 3 porodice ili nas 10-tero tj.nas 6-tero odraslih i 4-tvero djece od 13god. i 16,15,17god.


Boris Debeljak

Submitted : 16.02.2015

Pozdrav, najbolje je ispuniti kontakt formular sa pitanjem pa cete dobiti odmah odgovor od vlasnika