Apartman 1 A2+2

Apartment 1 (2+2) is located on the first floor of the house. It has a total of 36 m2 + terrace (8m2) + balcony (4m2), view of the sea and the garden. It has just been renovated and is modernly decorated, with the most modern appliances.

icon Praha » Baska Voda 1074km
10h 58min


amenities icons Balcony
amenities icons Air conditioning
amenities icons TV+SAT
amenities icons Fridge
amenities icons Cooker
amenities icons Kettle
amenities icons Phone
amenities icons Grill
Region: Split


Mario Radojković Phone: Mob.: +385915465010
In the catalog from 2012.

Owner speaks:

Prices and availability

Accommodation unit:
Available Booked


87 GBP Price for stay
The price is for 2 Adults, a 15 days
The price is for 4+2 persons, and 11 days
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Guest reviews

Fantastic! 5/5


Barbara Legat

Submitted : 14.02.2019

Ocena 10/10. Odlična lokacija, blizu so krasne plaže, vse je na dosegu roke - trgovine, pekarna, sprehajališča... Apartma ima odlično razporeditev in opremo, poleg tega pa še najlepši razgled. Gostitelja sta zelo prijazna, komunikativna in odzivna. Priporočam :)

Ocjena 10/10. Odlična lokacija, blizina prekrasnih plaža, sve je na dohvat ruke - trgovine, pekare, šetnice ... Apartman ima odličan raspored i opremljenost te najljepši pogled. Domaćini su vrlo ljubazni, komunikativni i osjetljivi. Preporučujem :)

Rating 10/10. Great location, close to the beautiful beaches, everything is at your fingertips - shops, bakery, promenades ... The apartment has excellent layout and equipment, and the most beautiful view. The hosts are very friendly, communicative and responsive. I recommend :)